Remember how showtime came around, and it was finally time, after days of meticulous preparation, to put your dastardly plan into effect? Remember how you constructed a makeshift cannon out of an old pipe and some theatrical explosives, and got a bunch of homeless dudes to shit in the pipe, with the intention of showering Salty with homeless dudes' shit during the show?
Remember how Salty ripped into their first song? Remember how the singer was tunelessly screaming like a cat undergoing a particularly violent anal raping? Remember how the guitarist obviously thought he was the re-incarnation of Frank Zappa, and tried to play as such, despite the fact that a man with no fingers could probably have played better? Remember how Screech and Evan were laying down what they thought was a "righteous groove", but which in fact sounded very reminiscent of The Shaggs on a bad day?
Remember how you decided it was time to put your plan into effect? Remember how you hid backstage, cackling maniacally, you lit the fuse of your makeshift cannon, and BANG! The band and audience were completely coated in fecal matter? Remember how you poked your head out to admire your handywork? Remember how you witnessed a gay scat orgy the likes of which had never been encountered before? Remember how the audience seemed to consist entirely of very very gay men, most of whom were clad in leather, sailor suits, or assless chaps? Remember how you realized that Salty must have been, despite their utter shitness, the hottest queer band operating in the country at the time, and that your shit-cannon had sparked off a spontaneous fecal orgy of butt-sex? Remember how you saw Screech, Evan and the others in amongst the writhing throng, sucking, fucking and smearing with gay abandon?
Remember how you thought to yourself, "meh...if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" and you dived right in?
You sure learned a thing or two about life on the road that time!
Loved it! Is that David St. Hubbins in the background?
Wow, did all that really happen?
Hell yes it really happened! I was there! I was in the shit pit (mosh pit)! I had no idea that they were going to totally gay out like that. When my friends and I got there, we were just chilling and having a beer. There was excitement in the air and people were ready to party. After a while, we noticed that all of these YMCA looking fuckers had started to pour in. The next thing I know the lights go down and the band starts into their first song. I was trapped in the mosh pit and this dudes ass was hanging out of his leather pants and was trying to grind on me. I was fucking pissed, I dropped my beer from all the fuckers rubbing up against me, i felt fingers run through the back of my hair and grab me, I heard a voice that said, this must be your first salty show! I will show you where salty got it's name. I totally freaked out, before I could react there was a loud bang and I was covered in shit. The smell was awful and the music was awful. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I tried climbing over people but people kept pulling me back down. I could see my friends waving me over to get the hell out of there and I craweled on my hands and knees under the legs of this raging homosexual orgy going on. I had almost made it to my friends when this fucker jumped down in front of me backwards and shoved his ass directly in my face. I face planted in some sweaty dudes ass crack and I instantly started throwing up all over the place. When I finally made it back to my friends, they pulled me out of the ruckus and we hauled ass to the door. We looked back to see diamond being raped on stage. Everyone in the crowd was screaming "ZOINKS!"
None of us had any idea it was Dustin Diamonds band. If we had, we would have never in a million years showed up. I would have had an idea of what kind of show was going to go down that night after reading all the sick fucking posts on his old home page's guestbook.
The one thing I have never been able to live down from that night is my buddies gave me a nick name and told everyone at school the story. Since that day, I have been known only as ASSVOMIT!
Hi, this is Dustin Diamond, and I just wanted to thank everybody in here for all of the positive feedback on our band - When you suck as bad as we do, you need all of the good press you can get.. Anyway, I also just wanted to say that I'm really only truly at my own personal best when I've got a big, thick, juicy, black cock stuffed up my rectum.. MMMMMMMMMM... There's nothing that I love better than a log-jam up the 'ole hershey highway, and my tight, puckered love-bud is just what your throbbing pricks need boys!!! E-Mail Me!!!! Screech@SaltyThePocketKnife.com.com
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