Thursday, February 19, 2009

Candid Photo of Michael Oliver Ponce's Gay Lover?

An anonymous person sent me this photo and claimed that the dude in the picture was one of Michael Oliver Ponce's gay lovers. Can someone verify this claim?

The guy in this photo just radiates homosexuality. The Tigger the Tiger upper body outfit in combination with the Spider-Man underwear is very popular at gay bathhouses. This guy looks as though he's ready to pounce on Ponce and pump Ponce full of his seed!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gay Relationship With Randy Constan?

Randy Constan is a 54-year-old man who lives in Florida and frequently dresses up like Peter Pan and in many other queer outfits. I think that Michael Oliver Ponce may have vacationed in Florida while touring with The Samples in recent years. Does anyone know whether Ponce hooked up with Randy Constan during one of his vacations? As has been previously reported, Ponce rarely bathes and his balls and ass can be smelled from far away.

I bet that the rank smell of Ponce's taint would really turn on Randy Constan. I wonder whether Randy Constan infected Ponce with any STDs... If anyone has any details, please let me know soon!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Does Michael Oliver Ponce Have AIDS?

John Ritter and Jack Warden co-starred with Michael Oliver Ponce in the Problem Child movies. Ritter played Ponce's father and Warden played his grandfather. Sadly, both of these men have died within the past few years. Ritter reportedly died of a heart problem and Warden was reported to have died from heart and kidney failure.

Everyone knows about the rampant drug use and orgies that are ubiquitous in Hollywood. I heard a rumor that Ritter and Warden may have secretly died from the AIDS virus. If so, I have to wonder whether Ponce also contracted the deadly virus. Ritter and Warden probably deposited several gallons of their diseased seed in Ponce before they died, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if Ponce caught the virus! Does anyone know whether Ponce has AIDS and/or whether Ritter or Warden suffered from the disease?