Thursday, February 28, 2008

Does Michael Oliver Ponce Have Pubic Lice?

Hey Ponce, do you have pubic lice, a.k.a., "the crabs"? It wouldn't surprise me if you do. You seem to be very dirty and apparently have rampant stank b.o., as confirmed by people at The Samples concerts. Bathing only once every few weeks has to make your groin the perfect home for pubic lice. Are the pubic lice attracted to your wet farts and the fact that your underwear has 2-week old shit crust stuck to it?

Did you get the pubic lice from John Ritter or Big Ben Healy? Did those guys die from complications due to the pubic lice? Please get back to me soon. Maybe you should walk naked through a public car wash to cleanse your body of pubic lice and other infestations!


Anonymous said...

I would say yes but am concerned that Oliver's body may be so rancid that even lice can't survive on it!

Anonymous said...

I Got buGs on Peepee tWo.